Tips & Tricks: How to store Shatter?


If you’re a cannabis user, chances are that you’ve heard of shatter. It’s a cannabis concentrate made from extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant. Its high potency, variety of flavors, and versatility make it an attractive choice for those looking to get the most out of their cannabis experience. But with great power comes great responsibility—in this case, proper storage. Without adequate storage, shatter can quickly degrade in quality and become unusable. If you want to ensure your shatter stays fresh and potent for as long as possible, read on for our tips & tricks on how to store shatter correctly!

What is Shatter Weed?

Shatter weed is a type of cannabis concentrate that gets its name from its glass-like appearance. It is made by extracting cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds from the cannabis plant using a solvent like butane or propane. The resulting product is then purged of any residual solvent to create a potent and flavorful concentrate. Cheap Shatter Canada weed can be consumed in many ways, including smoking, vaporizing, and dabbing.

How can you store Shatter?

When storing shatter, the most important thing is to keep it airtight. You can also use a glass jar, but ensure it has an airtight seal. Another option is to keep your shatter in a plastic baggie, but press all the air before sealing it.

Once your shatter is stored correctly, you’ll want to keep it in a cool and dark place. Extreme temperature changes can cause the shatter to degrade, so avoid storing it in places like the fridge or freezer. A cupboard or drawer away from any direct sunlight is ideal. With proper storage, your shatter should last for months (if not longer).

Tips for Storing your shatter

You need to keep a few things in mind when storing your shatter. First and foremost, ensure your shatter is stored in an airtight container to prevent oxidation and degradation of the product. Extreme temperature changes can cause degradation. Finally, if you wait to use your shatter, you can store it in the freezer for long-term storage.


Shatter is a popular cannabis concentrate that can last for years if stored properly. By following the tips and tricks in this article, you will be able to keep your cheap shatter canada fresh and potent for as long as possible. From using airtight containers to keeping them away from heat sources, there are many things you can do to ensure your shatter stays in top condition. With the help of these guidelines, you’ll get the most out of each batch of shatter so you can enjoy all its benefits without worrying about spoilage or potency loss.

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